Your Spiritual Connection to the Universe will guide you to a life full of Magic

NEW BOOK RELEASE: The Universe has a Plan for You

Spiritual guide into the New Golden age that will help you awaken your full potential

You are born with a mission

Are wondering what the h*** you’re doing here on this planet. In your heart you know this life was always meant to be about something more… And you are ready to find out What it is that you came to earth for. 

You’ve come to the right place, at the right time.

Life on Earth is meant for you!  You are meant for life on earth.

Your life had Purpose the moment you were born. Now you are here to find out what your Purpose is and how you can bring All that you Are to this world!

uncover your soul mission in life - course
Soul Powers program - Be You

Playful Expansion

being all of you now...

Life is your Playground. 

You have come here to Be You and Playfully expand into the best version of yourself. The Self that is Connected to your Higher Power, your Wisdom and the Field of Unconditional Love. From remembering to Who you Really are to Playing life Full Out and creating everything in your life you truly desire and dream of. That’s what this life is all about. You finding out who you are and sharing more of yourself (your Magic) with the world around you. 

I have been on this soul journey for more than 11 years and I’m playfully expanding into my Most Authentic Self. The one with all the Fun, Love, Abundance, Play – and that is constantly evolving and growing into her highest potential, and has a strong sense of Knowingness about who she is here to be and with Ease & Joy spreads her Magic. 

Years ago I’ve discovered that the Path I was meant to walk was my own – I just needed to follow my inner guidance. The guru I was meant to listen to, was inside of me. And a few years back I decided that also Healing myself was not up to the people around me, but on how I could remind myself of my own self-healing abilities & working with my spiritual guides & self-healing team. 

That’s the motto of my new program Conscious Playground. a 3-month immerse learning platform that empowers you to Be all that you are here to be. 

>> How to playfully expand into being All of You

"The deep connection I made with myself was lifechanging. Suddenly I knew who I was and where I had to go. I told Nanda thanks and went on my way. I will be forever grateful to her for giving me the best advice ever. To listen to my soul."
Wanda Nunez
Conscious Playground - community learning

Conscious Playground

become your own guru, guide and healer

All that you will ever need to live your most happy and fulfilling life you have already inside of you. It’s about using all of your potential, and trusting that inner guidance that is going to set you FREE. 

Come join our Conscious Playground – 3 month intensive conscious play community where we awaken your own guru, guide and healer and you will learn how to trust your intuition, and guide yourself through life, and heal your own inner blocks. You are wise beyond words, powerful beyond measure and vibrationally aligned with all of your desires. All you need to do is unlock that potential and playfully expand into BEING YOU. That’s what we will do in our Conscious Playground Community Learning platform. 

It is my mission to help you find your place in this world and create a happy and fulfilling life
- Ananda -

The ways I can help you on your soul journey

Soul Session

Get clear on who you are and experience how your self-image improves through your self-awareness and spiritual practice.

Soul Purpose Clarity coaching

Soul Purpose

Get aligned with your Soul and your soul qualities. Your Soul Purpose gives you clarity and direction in life. You are here to live your mission. Want to find out what it is? 

Soul Lifestyle

Determine where you want to go in your life. Have clarity and direction. And make an impact with your gifts and talents.  


Life is Magical. 

You have all the power, wisdom and potential inside of you to live your most fulfilling and happy life – and your Soul is here to guide you! 

Invite more Magic into your Life, develop your full potential and give yourself permission to be All of who you came here to Be. No more masks, no more second-guessing, no more excuses. 

Break free from your limiting beliefs, old patterns, heal past wounds and emotional blocks, and become the most Fun, Expressive, Courageous and Loving person you know. Creating all that you desire and Attracting all that you Deserve … and more. 

This Life is meant to be Magical. 

Camino 2020 pilgrimage

Help change the world

You can help change the world by being 100% yourself

fall in love with your life

Bring the Magic LIVE - YouTube

Bring the Magic LIVE

LIVE coaching sessions every Wednesday to awaken more of your magical potential. Click here for the latest episode of Bring the Magic LIVE.

Movement is important - Spain retreat

Join our Bring the Magic tribe (FREE)

We all have Magic inside of us and once we tap into that Magic, new doors will open and life becomes that much more enjoyable. Surround yourself with like-minded sisters in our Bring the Magic Tribe

New Moon sistership

New Moon Magic

Align with your inner goddess especially on the new moon, so that your manifestations can come to form with much more ease and confidence. Join our New Moon Sistership to align with the power of the moon and manifest together.

Create your own Life Plan - Spain retreat

Book a Clarity session

With this 40 minute clarity session I help you determine where you are now on your soul journey and what the next step is for you to take. We will map out your soul purpose roadmap together.

Your Soul has guided you here and you are in the right place

Book a Soul Purpose clarity session and find out why you are really here!